Monday, October 19, 2009

Elizabeth Warren: Bank Bonuses Leave Me "Speechless" (VIDEO)

This comes down to simple theft. We, Joe & Jane Public, had the money they, Banksters, took it and gave it to themselves. Is this the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world? How about the shear magnitude of the crime makes it one for the record books. And that is the only place it will land since as of this date not one real prosecution has been considered. Justice is not going to be metered out by the very politician that made it happen.

So, it comes down to this. In 2010 if there is not a wholesale removal of sitting members of congress with candidates that are completely transparent in campaigning as well while in public service then not one thing is going to change. Why would they? Within the body of congress there is not enough moral fiber to knit a hand warmer . If people still believe that a label democrat or republican has meaning other then those cute mascot please contact me I have some USD's to dump, err I mean sell.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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