Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Shouldn't the President be the smartest person in the Room?

Dana Milbank - Is It Wise to Be So Smart? -
s It Wise to Be So Smart?

By Dana Milbank
Wednesday, May 30, 2007; Page A02

A capacity crowd of 1,500 people jammed into Lisner Auditorium at George Washington University last night for Al Gore's speech and book-signing. But the numbers don't matter: Even if Gore were speaking before a sellout crowd at Verizon Center, he would still be the smartest guy in the room.

He reminded his listeners of this repeatedly last night.

Couple of points Milbank,

We have seen what the country gets when we don't even have the smartest guy in the room leading us. Not very smart policies, actions and subordinates that flaunt the law and lead us into equally disastrous undertakings.

I love this quote in the article
"It's the biggest problem he's got," said Schwartz, from Germantown. "People don't want somebody who makes them feel stupid."

Well Schwartz we got that leader right now how do you feel.......? Sure you are possible misquoted here but the writer of the article did if for a reason.

As for the group giving out the stickers and buttons, It called and DC for Gore 08 is the DC branch of em.

So I would guess a reporter that can't get their facts straight would not like a President that can which explains the underhanded hit piece this article amounts too.

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Television Stars and Politican above the law. R U?

Seat belt gaffe noted on `Today' show - Yahoo! News
NEW YORK - NBC's Matt Lauer didn't learn his lesson from interviewing New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine about the governor's near-fatal car crash while riding without wearing a safety belt.

A few weeks after that chat, there was Lauer on "Today" on Wednesday, sitting in the back of a sport utility vehicle interviewing Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney. Both men were unbuckled.

So we normal American's go about our jobs, raising our families and wearing our seat belts while Stars and Politician (not just Mitt, but the President of the United States ) basically show total competent for the law. Heck it is click it or ticket it month or some other bs they are trying to parade around as public service.

How much longer are we going to take this crap......When our public servants flaunt the laws. "Romney also said he needs to keep reminding himself to buckle up." Why is he not just doing what every one of us do when we get in a car.

If you or I get pulled over do you think the police are going to give you a break....These jerks even aired this on TV and no one thought it would be a problem in the editing room.

How out of touch with the American facts of life are they or is it just us........

PS put even one of those coke snorting drunk driving Hollyweirdo in JAIL.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Secret GOP Hit List--Did they really do this????????

Buffalo Soldiers Scrubbed by Secret GOP Hit List

Posted By Greg Palast On June 16, 2006 @ 2:56 am In Articles | Comments Disabled

Massacre of the Buffalo Soldiers
by Greg Palast
As reported for Democracy Now!


Palast, who first reported this story for BBC Television Newsnight (UK) and Democracy Now! (USA), is author of the New York Times bestseller, [2] Armed Madhouse.

The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote.

A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.

One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.

For Greg Palast’s discussion with broadcaster Amy Goodman on the Black soldier purge of 2004, go to [3]


Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, “Do not forward”, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as “undeliverable.”

The lists of soldiers of “undeliverable” letters were transmitted from state headquarters, in this case Florida, to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.

One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. Jacksonville is third largest naval installation in the US, best known as home of the Blue Angels fighting squandron.

[See this scrub sheet at [4] ]

Our team contacted the homes of several on the caging list, such as Randall Prausa, a serviceman, whose wife said he had been ordered overseas.

A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by “provisional” ballot.

Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. The operation, of which the purge of Black soldiers was a small part, was the first mass challenge to voting America had seen in two decades.

The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, “Caging.xls.” Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses.

A check of the demographics of the addresses on the “caging lists,” as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.

Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: “The only thing I can think of - African American voters listed like this - these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.”

These GOP caging lists were obtained by the same BBC team that first exposed the wrongful purge of African-American “felon” voters in 2000 by then-Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Eliminating the voting rights of those voters — 94,000 were targeted — likely caused Al Gore’s defeat in that race.

The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. However, in Tallahassee, the Florida Bush campaign’s spokespeople offered several explanations for the list.

Joseph Agostini, speaking for the GOP, suggested the lists were of potential donors to the Bush campaign. Oddly, the supposed donor list included residents of the Sulzbacher Center a shelter for homeless families.

Another spokesperson for the Bush campaign, Mindy Tucker Fletcher, ultimately changed the official response, acknowledging that these were voters, “we mailed to, where the letter came back - bad addresses.”

The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having “bad addresses” subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad.

The apparent challenge campaign was not inexpensive. The GOP mailed the letters first class, at a total cost likely exceeding millions of dollars, so that the addresses would be returned to “cage” workers.

“This is not a challenge list,” insisted the Republican spokesmistress. However, she modified that assertion by adding, “That’s not what it’s set up to be.”
Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaws mass challenges of voters where race is a factor in choosing the targeted group.

While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. However, Tucker Fletcher asserted Republicans could still employ the list to deny ballots to those they considered suspect voters. When asked if Republicans would use the list to block voters, Tucker Fletcher replied, “Where it’s stated in the law, yeah.”

It is not possible at this time to determine how many on the potential blacklist were ultimately challenged and lost their vote. Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.


For the full story of caging lists and voter purges of 2004, plus the documents, read Greg Palast’s New York Times bestseller, [5] ARMED MADHOUSE: Who’s Afraid of Osama Wolf?, Armed Madhouse: Who’s Afraid of Osama Wolf?, China Floats Bush Sinks, the Scheme to Steal ‘08, No Child’s Behind Left and other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Democratic Leadership

3431, as of today, American Lives have been lost in this illegal war and and the The leadership of the Democratic party has betrayed the voters that sent them into office in 06.

This recent action is a total sellout and I trust that everyone of them are are voted out of office in 08 and then the next election cycle for those that are left. I already thought that the Republican had sold their souls to Bush & Co. now I know most in Congress is willing to do the same.

Get they out of office.........................

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Boycott -- Roger Daltrey do not buy his records

The Sun Online - Bizarre: Who c-cares about Live Earth?

Victoria Newton's Bizarre

Who c-cares about Live Earth?

May 19, 2007

JUST when it looked like every rock star on the planet was jumping aboard AL GORE's green bandwagon, there’s a backlash already underway.

THE WHO's ROGER DALTRY has blasted the big Wembley gig Gore is organising to raise awareness of global warming.

The huge concert - which features performances from the likes of MADONNA and RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS - is taking place at Wembley on July 7 and in other countries around the world.

But Roger, who played with U2 at Live Aid and Live8, reckons the whole thing is a waste of time.

Speaking exclusively to Bizarre, Roger said: "Bo***cks to that! The last thing the planet needs is a rock concert.

"I can't believe it. Let's burn even more fuel.

"We have problems with global warming, but the questions and the answers are so huge I don't know what a rock concert's ever going to do to help.

"Everybody on this planet at the moment, unless they are living in the deepest rainforest in Brazil, knows about climate change.”

The rocker, who used to sing about my g-generation, added: "My answer is to burn all the f***ing oil as quick as possible and then the politicians will have to find a solution.”

So another day and another Star from a by-gone era showing why they are by go, or that the world has gone by them. To so climb out of what hole Daltrey did and make a reappearance on the world stage parroting lines from George Bush shows what this man is made of --Carbon......

Look I love the Who, I have several of their songs on my portable player, and yet I think that I am going to have to do something to show this man and his band mates if they do not come out and repudiate this that those of us that want to pass a better place along to our children mean business.

So what can we do to hurt his business. Stop buying Roger Daltrey records, ok so most have done this already, but seriously any thing that is associated with him needs to be boycotted.

If your a fellow blogger and will offer to display boycott and Ban Daltrey banner please let us know and we will link to your blog, website or poster and would like you to do the same.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Who is Gelfof to be criticing anyone and what has he done for the planet of late.

Geldof criticizes Gore's Live Earth - Yahoo! News
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -
Bob Geldof, who organized the Live Aid and Live 8 benefit concerts, criticized the Live Earth music events
Al Gore is putting together this summer, saying they lack a specific goal, according to a Dutch newspaper report Saturday.

The Live Earth concerts will be held in cities around the world on July 7, with proceeds funding a yet-to-be-named foundation to combat climate change, under Gore's direction.

The shows will take place in London; New York; Tokyo; Shanghai, China; Johannesburg, South Africa; Sydney, Australia; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Organizers have also promised an event in Antarctica.

"I hope they're a success," De Volkskrant newspaper quoted Geldof as saying in an interview.

"But why is (Gore) actually organizing them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect? Everybody's known about that problem for years. We are all (expletive) conscious of global warming," he said.

Actually Bob in the United States there is not a general awareness of this issues....I am not sure what your source is or if your are thinking about the people you know but here in the States this is not front page news.....Perhaps you missed the flap about including Climate conditions and the risk that it poses on our national security in the NIE that are produced for the President each day. More than one member of our congress decided that it was not important and tried to have such things excluded.

Oh I get what is gong on, only you are allowed to produce concerts that would be about helping the planet earth and it's inhabiter's.......Sorry to let you in on this news flash-- there is a new show on the road and it's being lead by the last popular undisputed elected President of these here United States --Al Gore...........

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dude, Al is 3rd....

Fineman: The year of the Third Force - The Debates -
Some Democratic wise guys predict that Al Gore will enter the Democratic primary race this fall. A close Tennessee friend of his told me gravely the other day, “Al is doing cardio.” That was supposed to mean the Big Guy is getting in shape for the Dem race. I doubt it. Polls show that Democrats are reasonably content with their field of contenders. Hillary, Obama and Edwards are formidable.

Not sure what Polls this bloke is reading but USA Today reported to day that a recent Gallop Poll showed Al Gore in 3rd place.........BTW.......

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Gore backers hold on to cash and to a dream......................

Gore backers hold on to cash -- The Washington Times
Gore backers hold on to cash
By Christina Bellantoni
Published May 8, 2007
Prominent political fundraisers who backed Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign are reserving support for the current slate of 2008 Democrats in hopes the former vice president will swoop in for another White House bid.
H.E. "Sonny" Cauthen Jr. told The Washington Times he has been flattered to get calls from candidates asking for his help this time around, but said he is hesitating on picking one while he waits to see what Mr. Gore decides.
"If he wants to run, I would be very supportive of that," said Mr. Cauthen, a founding partner of the Washington lobbying firm Cauthen Forbes & Williams and a 2000 fundraiser for the Gore campaign.
"I just don't see any reason for him not to run," Mr. Cauthen added. "He's the only prospective candidate we have who has already won one time. He didn't serve -- he was denied the presidency -- but he won that race."

I believe that any of the front runners on the Democratic side can win in 08, but the difference is that Al Gore is just best suited at this point in time to restore hope here in our system and abroad in the belief that America is a leader nation The only issues we lead on today is militarism, greed and abandonment of our our social network to support those that did not have a trust fund or a job waiting for them via mommy and daddy.

During these last 7 years I cannot see one area others then the ones I pointed out where American is perceived as a leader. How many countries is it unsafe for Americans to visit 7 years later. Our Olympic team had to travel in unmarked buses. They were not in Iraq they were at the gathering of nations for these games in blacked out buses. Plus aginst the very words he spoke prior to be elected George Bush is nation building in the last place in the world that American services personal should be and the last place in the world that want our help. Ever wonder about that folks.....Why we are really there. Just follow the money..................................

As for the home front goes gas is heading to 4 bucks a gallon, (part of the money trail) we are throwing the people out that are the very ones that we need to repopulate our numbers (that declining US birthrate) and working the jobs that most of us will not handle. This disconnect further divides us as a nation because Mr and Ms Smart ass are not going to bank a million without the help of many, many others including the immigrants that are watching their kid grown up or serving them a fast food invitation to a life in hell on drugs .

Who gains from all of this? I can tell you a hand full of companies do... Just look to those that are reaping record profits, anyone else notice that we are not hearing about these corporate windfalls. That is because those in control told the 5 outlet for 90 percent of the new s told them to lay off it. Does anyone really think that the oil companies, big pharma, and media mega giants are not swimming in money...........No because they are showing sports and entertainment stars with their drama as mainline news.

Is any of this helping our nation understand the perils that lay-in-waiting Some don't think we have a climate issue Then why is Florida's pre-census data showing a massive withdrawal of people out of the sunshine state. Because they no long like the beach the water. Nope they just don't want to be there when the water is above their roofs,

How about gangs of F2 - 5 tornadoes wiping whole towns off the map. I bet the National Guards would be useful in these situations. I hear the Gov. of Maryland is having a hard time understanding how to take care of Marylanders with so many troops and assets overseas. We are not that far away for hurricane season and with what is happening now including the flooding in the Midwest......

Anyone want to know what the Feds know about this--April 23, 2007 Executive Order Number 12148 created the Federal
Emergency Management Agency to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed..For what end I ask?

Just look at the rebuilding efforts in NO, they known that sooner or latter the whole place is going to get flooded along with most of South Texas.and FLA...........and people are going to be angry so instead of helping them before it happens lets herd them up afterwards. I wonder what companies are going to make some mega bucks off this............

Guess who does know what is in store for us and may have a few good ideas on how to go about addressing them..................Well who is the only public figure out in front on the climate issue or stood up against the Presidents War, not mine not Congresses Bush alone declared war, Maybe Cheney did and told him to go look like the decider.

I say Give EM 08.

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Army brass can't make changes on the fly or even with half a weeks notice.............come on what are you thinking..

I was not 'approved' to sing for US troops: Joan Baez - Yahoo! News
I was not 'approved' to sing for US troops: Joan Baez

Wed May 2, 2:53 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Military authorities who run Washington's Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital have spurned an offer from renowned folk singer Joan Baez to perform for convalescing US troops, she said Wednesday.

Baez, 66, was to have appeared last week alongside rock/folk singer
John Mellencamp at a concert for ailing soldiers, but US officials declined to sign off on her participation, she wrote in a letter published Wednesday in the Washington Post.

"Four days before the c

I believe NRP reported that the official comment for the folks at Walter Reed was that it was too late to change the schedule or something like that which made me stop and think......It is no wonder we are not making any progress in Iraq, if the Army brass cannot make a change four days in advance on a concert, how are they going to respond to those pesky insurgent who are changing tactics everyday.

Just makes ya think don't it..............

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Obama Takes over myspace account the wrong way

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Is MySpace always mine or can it belong to someone else? At the cost of losing 160,000 friends, Democrat Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record)'s presidential campaign has taken over control of the MySpace page listed under his name on the popular social networking site.

The case highlights the struggle between campaigns' desire to control their message versus the power of voter-generated material. And it shows how one person — in this case Los Angeles paralegal Joe Anthony — can become an influence on presidential politics through the power of the Internet.

The dispute between the Obama campaign and Anthony, a one-time supporter who started the Obama MySpace page, became such a concern for the Illinois senator that he personally tried to smooth things over Wednesday night.

Anthony felt he was mistreated by the campaign after he spent the past 2 1/2 years running the MySpace page as an enthusiastic volunteer. At first, that arrangement was fine with the Obama team, which worked with Anthony on the content, promoted the link and even had the password to make changes.

But as the site exploded in popularity in recent months, the campaign became concerned about an outsider controlling the content and responses going out under Obama's name. It told Anthony it wanted him to turn it over.

In this new frontier of online campaigning, it's hard to determine the value of 160,000 MySpace friends — about four times what any other official campaign MySpace page had amassed. But the Obama campaign decided they wouldn't pay $39,000, which is what Anthony said he proposed for his extensive work on the site, plus some additional fees up to $10,000.

MySpace reluctantly stepped in to settle the dispute and decided that Obama should have the rights to control as of Monday night. Anthony had the right to take all the friends who signed up while he was in control, and that includes the right to tell them how he feels about the Obama campaign — although he said he was still locked out of the page with his contacts as of Wednesday.

Anthony wrote on his MySpace blog that he was heartbroken that the Obama campaign was "bullying" him out of the page he built. He initially said the candidate lost his vote, but Obama may have begun to win it back after a Wednesday evening phone call that Anthony called a great honor. Anthony said he was so nervous that he doesn't remember exactly what Obama said, but the candidate expressed his appreciation and they agreed everyone learned a lesson in this case.

"I assured him that this is just a horrible thing that happened and obviously he wasn't responsible," Anthony said in a blog post. "It'll take time for me to work this out and decide if I will personally continue to support Obama, regardless of how I feel about his campaign's handling of this situation."

Meanwhile, the Obama campaign was trying to rebuild his friends network from scratch and was up to more than 20,000 by Wednesday evening.

Joe Rospars, Obama's director of new media, wrote in a blog post that the campaign "decided to take a leap" in teaming up with an outside organizer on MySpace. He said the arrangement worked at first, but campaign officials became uncomfortable when Anthony changed the password to prevent them from working on the site and made his financial requests.

"We're going to try new things, and sometimes it's going to work, and sometimes it's not going to work," Rospars wrote. "That's the cost and that's the risk of experimenting."

The campaign's fight drew widespread criticism among leading liberal bloggers who question why they would treat a volunteer like Anthony with such disregard. But Obama has some online defenders who say volunteer work should remain that way and not be held up for payment.

Advocacy Inc. CEO Roger Alan Stone collects and sells contact information to Democratic campaigns, lawmakers and advocacy groups, but says he isn't working for any of the current White House candidates. He says e-mail addresses collected for such a cause can go for $1 each, so in that sense the price Anthony was asking was low.

But Stone comes down on the side of the Obama campaign in this dispute.

"As something that was done on a volunteer basis that you want to charge for after the fact, that is ridiculous," Stone said.


On the Net:

Obama MySpace page:

Joe Anthony's MySpace page:

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

What, failure in Iraq, Say it ain't so Mr. President.

Bush Keeps Vow to Veto War Funding Bill -
Bush Keeps Vow to Veto War Funding Bill
President Says Pullout Deadline Is 'Date for Failure'

By Michael Abramowitz and Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, May 2, 2007; Page A01

President Bush vetoed a $124 billion measure yesterday that would have funded overseas military operations but required him to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq as early as July, escalating the most serious confrontation between the White House and Congress over war policy in a generation.

Bush carried through on his veto threat just after the legislation arrived at the White House, calling the timetable a "prescription for chaos and confusion" that would undercut generals. "Setting a deadline for withdrawal would demoralize the Iraqi people, would encourage killers across the broader Middle East and send a signal that America will not keep its commitments," he said last night. "Setting a deadline for withdrawal is setting a date for failure."

So we are have some successes? I am not trying to be funny I am asking someone, anyone to show me where we have done something right. I recall just hearing on on NPR that many of the projects that were built after the occupation of Iraq are failing or have not even been completed.

Our contractors are near criminal in their undertaking either bilking the US with inflated invoices or not even preforming the service they were contracted to preform. Some of them, the VP's company has even served our own troops water that was contaminated.

So Mr. President, what is the end game, more of the same and what will that get us in the long run. I does seem that your buddies are all making a bundle could that be the point of this war.........

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This scribe got it right on the nail head.

Opinion | Gore's candidacy heats up | Seattle Times Newspaper
Snohomish County opinion
Gore's candidacy heats up

By Trip Quillman

In spite of the late great Molly Ivins' admonition that only fools predict presidential elections, I cannot resist: Al Gore will run for the presidency in 2008, and he will win.

As a psychotherapist who spends his days wondering what motivates people, I believe the case for a Gore candidacy is compelling. To have been victorious in the 2000 election (both The New York Times and The Washington Post concluded, ultimately, that Gore won the Florida vote) and yet to have lost that office would have been at first devastating, then infuriating and, finally, maddening.

For anyone to have won the presidency and then to be denied his prize would be motivating beyond measure.

In his film "An Inconvenient Truth," Gore speaks movingly of "the moral imperative" to deal with global warming. There is no more powerful place on Earth from which to address the planet's woes than the Oval Office.

So this is pretty much my take on why he should and will run. I also think that looking at the overall Gore family the impact they could have on causes and issues that concern them. Let's face it being the family of the President is just a bit more compelling then the family of the former VP.........

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