Monday, January 29, 2007

Gore is Grownin' 08

Posts tagged Al+Gore per day for the last 30 days.
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Unseen Al Gore Campaign video

This is a great picture of the man and family behind the Gore name.

From The Believer

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Gore Film Sparks Parents' Anger

Gore Film Sparks Parents' Anger -

"No you will not teach or show that propagandist Al Gore video to my child, blaming our nation -- the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet -- for global warming,"

Gore Film Sparks Parents' Anger
Showing 'Inconvenient Truth' Would Require Counterpoint

By Blaine Harden
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 25, 2007; Page A12

Is this parent saying that we have global warming, but it's not American fault. Is not the point that we have it the blame game gets no one closer to the fix. Gore's movie is a statement about our times. This is not animation of climate change it is real change and it is happening so fast that not special effects are needed to make the visual points that Gore and his Acadmey nominated documentry. to learn more about global warming. to draft him into the race.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What is being posted about leaders


- Elect wise leaders with a record of world maintenence, like Al Gore, John Edwards, Robert Redford, Constance Rice or The Yogurthead Man. Sex-changes are easy these days, even fun! (I've done it three times now, and am now working on my second species change. Genus is next.)

So you see, it is not too late. You don't have to give up and lose everything just because a moron from Texas is so power-crazed that he wants to bring it all down with him. Let HIM go down instead, then laugh at him derisively for having such evil and adolescent notions. Send in the clowns, and lock up the serial killing mass murderers.

Future and Fun begin with "f. u..."
So tell your president "F. U." next time you see him.
This will cause the world to not end.

(Cross-posted on The American Street)
Posted by: anonyMoses / 28.7.06

Monday, January 08, 2007

Wil the fix or anyone else see Gore through the trees.

The Fix
Posted at 05:30 AM ET, 01/ 8/2007
Will Gore Make Another Run?

Yesterday's debut of the Sunday Fix in The Washington Post looked at the slim (but hard to ignore) possibility that Al Gore will make the race for president in 2008.
former vice president Al Gore
Can Gore's campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of global climate change propel another national campaign? Above, Gore gestures to the audience before speaking last month at the American Geophysical Convention in San Francisco. (AP Photo)

Read the rest

But until Gore comes out and flatly rules out a 2008 run, it would be crazy to ignore the possibility that he will run again. If the energy currently crackling through the activist community for a Gore candidacy fails to abate with Obama's expected announcement, AND if Clinton looks to be a heavy favorite heading into the summer and fall, it may be impossible for Gore to turn down a race. Until then, we'll be watching closely.

What this article and many others are not talking about is the grass Roots support for Al Gore. Like Take a look at the Meetup too.

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