Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Al Gore to be honoured with Emmy

From the BBC

Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth director Davis Guggenheim at the Oscars Al Gore's documentary won Academy Award recognition Former US vice president Al Gore is to receive an honorary International Emmy award for his work in broadcasting.

Gore will be recognized for his hard-hitting environmental documentary An Inconvenient Truth, which won two Academy Awards last month. His pivotal role in setting up Current TV, which features programmes made by viewers, is also being honored.

The Founders Award, given to those who "touch our common humanity", will be presented to Gore in November. The International Emmy awards ceremony will take place in New York.

So as a fan of the man to run for President this press is welcome news. I would have to say between the Academy Award, the Nobel Peace Prize and now this, let alone the actually work that Al does everyday to garner these awards he's getting plenty of media.

Heck, does he even need to have a campaign up and running? Actually that has been taken care of by the grass roots folks over and they are at Those that are -- the only thing they are doing is collecting money to by media time. Now within Al's world of conservation why not try to get both. The strategy is flawless.

We know that every other campaign is opening each day the papers, web browsers and their emails looking to see if they have been mentioned. Good or bad. Now what they also see is some that is not spending money getting just as much press. That sucks for them.

In 2007 it is good to be Al Gore and for those that support him running for President. Which is a job the majority of Americans all ready voted to give him once . I would say looking back to the 2000 elections had the courts not made the vote for us he would be finishing up now and his VP would be running.

Since this did not happen the democratic process has been in hibernation and for the looks of things it is starting to wake up. If I was a candidate thinking that the road to the white house is wide open.

I have one word --Karma.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Al Gore come to Washington

I am just going to say this tonight here on this blog before I go to bed. Al Gore kicked some ass up there and anyone that tells you differently was not there. I was and I loved every bit of it. This is a shot of the guy at the end of the day 2.5 hours and he is on the edge of his seat.

A note to the people out west who senator wasted their time by asking Gore to sign an energy pledge.

Come on, Al Gore is the last person in the United States that needs to sign the pledge. His powerpoint just helped someone win an Oscar doing a story about his powerpoint. This Senator wasted more energy with his hatin and foolery that the whole Gore family.

It's the Environment and who gets and who don't is pretty clear.


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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Did Clinton have a slip or the tongue or a vision of the future!

The Blog | Steve Rosenbaum: Clinton suggests Gore Sequel... | The Huffington Post

But even for a room accustomed to Rock Stars, the Clinton appearance was pretty electrifying. Clinton arrived and everyone in the room was looking for significance in both what he said and what he didn't say. Clinton had something to say. He commentated on Gore's Oscar win, and then offered his suggestion to the Vice President and film star. "I told Al, you're only half done - you need to make a sequel."

Bill Clinton's statement at TED 2007 give me something to think about and I just want anyone that drops by this blog to join me and do the same.

Here we go. Not the way back machine but the wayout machine. Not a tipping point, it would be a catapult point "CP" with a sequel in which the Gore Clinton camp's join together, reunited for another run at serving in the executive mansions. GoreClinton08. It almost makes my finger shake to type that, No to know that it is possible makes the world shake(see below about rapture).

Plus! a Gore Clinton Ticket just puts this election beyond reach of the GOP in 08 and unites the democratic party in many ways. Come Gore has the karma coming to him, he won in 00.

So to continue flying into my wildest dreams --we see these four people working as the first and second couple of America. sound just fine.......

Here is the thinking that GoreClinton Wins in 08&12 and ClintonTIpper? 2016&20.

I would think that both sides have to take pause and think about what it means to get executive level of service from President Clinton for 16 years. He would be in this dream the 2nd Husband and then as the 1st Husband. OMG I am just besides myself and I also could see this being the CP to start the raptures for some of the religious right.

The whole gang back in Washington again and after 8 years of this HRC would get the keys. Here is the funny thing about this we would get 16 more years of service out of Bill Clinton and a couple more from Al as 2nd Husband under Clinton-HRC & Gore-Tipper 2012&16

OMG again, it would be a doubleheader like with public and religious ends both being met . Start the first and the second came will commence shortly there after.

...............................On a side note! Who makes policy with a group that does not care about the ground they stand upon because they are going to be airlifted from upon it to where is not for this blog to ponder? But, it makes not sense and for that reason alone they should have no say --they want to leave right-- rapture=departure.

Maybe those awaiting the depature should go to some other country and stop, stopping the changes we need to make here to save ourselves.

Hey! This is a dream blog it don't have to make sense it just has to be.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Washington Post has to be a joking covering this story now that it is been show to be false by the AP.

War on Warming Begins at (Al Gore's) Home -
War on Warming Begins at (Al Gore's) Home

By Chris Cillizza and Matthew Mosk
Thursday, March 1, 2007; Page A08

Fresh off his victory lap at the Academy Awards, former vice president Al Gore -- who has not closed the door on a 2008 bid -- found himself in a more familiar position: on the receiving end of a political attack.

The barb came via the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a Nashville-based

Wow the AP has already discreated much of this story and here is the WashPost recycling the talking point like good little foot soldiers.

As for this so called think tank. I have also review most of their published papers and can only wonder if these super sleuth reporters venture in the the way back machine.

Is your reporting budget so cut to the bone that can not afford to Google or a phone call, Google is free. Those phone calls l did them for ya the Center told me they only wanted to cover his consumption and that is what they did. I called up Nicole Williams, (615)383-6431 you know what she told me "We are only covering Gore's usage from the consumptions side and the carbon offsets were not part of the story and that they got the info from NES"

Which I then called/

The nice lady at the NES Customer Service at 615-736-6900 and give them an address and they will give you the hi and low for the address Now want the more information all one has to do is walk down and hand them 10 buck and you can get a print out of any address. It is all public information yet according to Ms. Martian from NES they would blackout the Name and Account number.

My problem with this story was that the NES does not give an average so how did they get it besides adding it up them self and using some number for the basis. Oh SNAP NES company spokeswoman Laurie Parker said the utility never got a request from the policy center and never gave it any information.

So the numbers they did come up with are false. They exaggerated by 30,000 kwh. The Gores used about 191,000 kilowatt hours in 2006, according to bills reviewed by The Associated Press. The typical Nashville household uses about 15,600 kilowatt-hours per year.
The group said that Gore used nearly 221,000 kilowatt hours last year and that his average monthly electric bill was $1,359. Johnson said his group got its figures from Nashville Electric Service.

What is sad is that the Washington Post puts this under it name. If this is the quality of the reporting we should come to expect from the post. I don't know -- it should really stop and consider it's mission and who it serves the public or the powerful.


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Carbon Offset, and what do we need to know that Gore knows

Carbon offset From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A carbon offset is a service that tries to reduce the net carbon emissions of individuals or organizations indirectly, through proxies who reduce their emissions and/or increase their absorption of greenhouse gases.[1] A wide variety of offset actions are available; tree planting is the most common. Renewable energy and energy conservation offsets are also popular, including emissions trading credits.

The intended goal of carbon offsets is to combat global warming.[2] The appeal of becoming "carbon neutral" has contributed to the growth of voluntary offsets, which often are a more cost-effective alternative to reducing one's own fossil-fuel consumption. However, the actual amount of carbon reduction (if any) from an offset project is difficult to measure, largely unregulated, and vulnerable to misrepresentation.[3]

So much is being made todo about Al Gore utilities bills Ok so what is Gore's carbon footprint? 191,000 is the number compared to you or me. The average energy consumption in that climate region is 50% higher than the national average and Gore's per sq foot consumption is actually lower than the average in his region.

Now thowin the in his involvement in Operation Green Switch which is a green choice that we all need to be pushing for in our local areas and with our national leader and want to be leaders.

Tell them to get Gore's powerpoint and get moving in the right direction which by the way is the complete 180 from which we presently travel. Do you at least have the pretzel light bulbs? How about rechargeable batteries?

Pay for what you need support what you know is holistic for us all.

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