Saturday, September 30, 2006

Abramoff Put White House Contacts at 400

Abramoff Put White House Contacts at 400

By Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 29, 2006; Page A12

Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his colleagues billed their clients for more than 400 contacts with White House officials between 2001 and 2004, according to a report released yesterday by the House Government Reform Committee. The report did not determine how many of those contacts -- referenced in e-mails and Abramoff's often falsified client bills -- actually occurred.

The 93-page report was jointly issued by the committee's chairman, Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.), and its ranking Democrat, Rep. Henry A. Waxman (Calif.). They wrote that their investigation found the current reporting requirements "failed to protect public officials from the ethical undertow generated by Abramoff's claims of access to executive branch deliberations, particularly at the White House." blah blah
"The only thing this report demonstrates is what a lot of us already know: Jack Abramoff had a penchant for exaggerating and charging his clients for minor contacts with government officials," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.


That is not what has been reported!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Everyone knows what's up in Iraq, execpt the US population

Card Urged Bush to Replace Rumsfeld, Woodward Says

By William Hamilton
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 29, 2006; 1:50 PM

Former White House chief of staff Andrew Card on two occasions tried and failed to persuade President Bush to fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, according to a new book by Bob Woodward that depicts senior officials of the Bush administration as unable to face the consequences of their policy in Iraq.

On the Diane Rehm show, on NPR Lt. Gen. William Odom, U.S. Army-Ret., former director of the National Security Agency and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute says that every European spy agency has done analysis on the state of Al Qaida.

Prior to 2002 the general state of this organization was diminishing. After we invaded Iraq the recruitment, live fire training and all the other benefits waging war fell into Al Qaida lap. It seems that this is common knowledge every where but the US Media outlets.Link Windows Media.

Think about this, we are strong because no one is going to come over here and invade our land. Well even if we can defeat someone on paper, taking a country has since the time of Gilamesh, Is hard!

The President even himself said on camera, "Some are trying to say we provoked Al Qaida this is false" Hay if this is false what is true? That is our question.

If our establishment is happy with the current state of our military and the outcome of our involvement in Iraq they need to be fired. No questions asked. We don't need a book from Woodward to know this and he is not the first one to write about it. The American media is not talking about what others are talking about. There is a dereliction of Duty.

Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16

Challenger Seeks Probe of Rep. Foley's E-Mails to Boy, 16

By Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 29, 2006; Page A07

The Democratic opponent of Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) is calling for an investigation into an e-mail exchange that Foley conducted last year with a 16-year-old boy who had worked as a congressional page.

Foley, 52, has served in the House for six terms and is seeking reelection. He said that the five e-mails he wrote to the boy were harmless and that their publication is part of an attempt by Democrats to smear him.


Let me get this straight, he sends and email and it the Dems fault. I dont think so. Even in FLA they can figure out this is unacceptable behavior from our elected official's.

Rep. Foley resigns over e-mails to male page

Rep. Foley resigns over e-mails to male page - Politics - Rep. Foley resigns over e-mails to male pages Florida Republican had been considered a shoo-in for re-election

WASHINGTON - Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., abruptly resigned from Congress on Friday in the wake of questions about e-mails he wrote a former teenage male page.

"I am deeply sorry and I apologize for letting down my family and the people of Florida I have had the privilege to represent," he said in a statement issued by his office.

Tim Russert final breaks the glass on the rite of going after the hords of Interns that come to Washington, DC every day of the year.

Like this is big news. Having worked on the Hill wayyyy back when I watched this happen every day. These people are no different that other groups and this has been going on for far too long.

At least he is an equal oppt stocker.


Out going DC AG say not having Sovern Immunity hurts us

The Spangitti, outgoing Attorney General of the District, say that not having Sovern Imunity is a deterrent to the people of DC.

Also having the detailing of the AG office from remote area of the Justice Deptment to serve in the District as our advocates. This means that the people representing us are not from DC. That does not make sense.

Annual budget 183,000,000.00.

Kojo Show in
Friday, 09/29/06.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More Leaks, Please Questioning the Iraq Intel Report

Robert Kagan - More Leaks, Please -
For instance, what specifically does it mean to say that the Iraq war has worsened the "terrorism threat"? Presumably, the NIE's authors would admit that this is speculation rather than a statement of fact, since the facts suggest otherwise. Before the Iraq war, the United States suffered a series of terrorist attacks: the bombing and destruction of two American embassies in East Africa in 1998, the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000, and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Since the Iraq war started, there have not been any successful terrorist attacks against the United States.

Robert Kagan clearly has his head in the sand if he thinks American's are now safer because of Iraq. What country is it now safer for American to travel too. Correct me if I am wrong, during the last Olympic games American's were told to not wear the flag or USA logos and our althetes traveled in nondiscript buses to and from events.

Not only that! The whole state of terrisom has changed from coordinated cells with a central command and control structure to one in which any two or three individuals can plan and launch an attack with the credit going to "terrorist" as a whole. Which only casues others to do the same.

Kagen goes on to make a couple of statments that remind me of a duck on water --while they are one way above water what is going on below is a whole lot different. What is his agenda with the article, parrot the Administraton or created some real crital thinking about our current actions. Besides we are not fighing a war! Since we are not fighting a country. We are fighting a collection of people that for what ever reason they have chosen do not like the United States.

Which with Iraq's pourous borders allows anyone entry to the field of battle thus allow any and all to make contacts with like minded individuals and get combat experience. All the while keeping us from focusing on future efforts on how to go about conducting military operations against unaligned forces which is our greatest threat now and in the future.

As for what will make us safer, how about stop doing preemptive strikes against countries that have not attacked us.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Bush Tells Group He Sees a 'Third Awakening

Bush Tells Group He Sees a 'Third Awakening' -
Bush Tells Group He Sees a 'Third Awakening'

By Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 13, 2006; Page A05

President Bush said yesterday that he senses a "Third Awakening" of religious devotion in the United States that has coincided with the nation's struggle with international terrorists, a war that he depicted as "a confrontation between good and evil."

Bush told a group of conservative journalists that he notices more open expressions of faith among people he meets during his travels, and he suggested that might signal a broader revival similar to other religious movements in history.

Well having studied the Second Awakening which happened in the US back around 1810is -32 Bush better hope that this latest one has more teeth. As for whom he meet while traveling- seeing how this Administration screens every and all people that Heir Bush comes in contact with I am not suprised that he is meeting those that only think and hopefully do not act as he does.

Why I say do not act is because he is a very frighting fellow with regard to the rights to life after birth. With not one pardon as the Governor or President plus the use of preemptive force his record on this commandment is very poor.

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Rep. Ney Admits Selling Influence and that is he crooked.

Rep. Ney Admits Selling Influence -
Rep. Ney Admits Selling Influence
Republican to Enter Plea in Abramoff Case

By James V. Grimaldi and Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, September 16, 2006; Page A01

Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) agreed yesterday to plead guilty to corruption charges after admitting to performing a variety of official acts for lobbyists in exchange for campaign contributions, expensive meals, luxury travel, sports tickets and thousands of dollars in gambling chips. He is the first elected official to face prison time in the ongoing influence-peddling investigation of former GOP lobbying powerhouse Jack Abramoff.

After fiercely proclaiming his innocence for more than a year, Ney signed a two-count plea agreement Wednesday that the Justice Department filed in federal court yesterday

Sure the Dems have a bad apple, but the Republican have a whole apple basket of bad fruit.

Monday, September 04, 2006

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program » Latest Earthquakes M3.0+ in the USA - Past 7 days
Update time = Mon Sep 4 13:00:01 UTC 2006

y/m/d h:m:s LAT
deg LON
MAP 3.3 2006/09/04 07:18:09 52.235 -182.921 1.0 431 km (268 mi) W of Adak, AK
MAP 3.7 2006/09/04 02:24:43 31.660 -115.639 7.0 29 km ( 18 mi) NNE of Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico

MAP 4.6 2006/09/03 15:30:07 52.011 -185.123 34.7 (no nearby locations in database)
MAP 3.2 2006/09/03 08:00:10 46.196 -122.187 0.0 1 km ( 0 mi) SW of Mount St. Helens Volcano, WA

MAP 3.6 2006/09/02 19:54:59 42.434 -111.533 0.2 15 km ( 9 mi) WSW of Georgetown, ID
MAP 3.6 2006/09/02 16:29:41 33.954 -116.374 9.5 12 km ( 8 mi) E of Desert Hot Springs, CA
MAP 3.2 2006/09/02 09:32:26 57.702 -157.595 180.0 16 km ( 10 mi) N of Pilot Point, AK
MAP 4.4 2006/09/02 09:11:38 52.187 -175.019 33.1 55 km ( 34 mi) W of Atka, AK
MAP 3.1 2006/09/02 07:30:49 56.472 -163.971 70.0 161 km (100 mi) NNW of Cold Bay, AK
MAP 4.0 2006/09/02 07:30:11 53.156 -156.078 15.0 365 km (227 mi) SE of Perryville, AK
MAP 3.1 2006/09/02 06:23:05 19.221 -66.637 22.9 84 km ( 52 mi) N of Carrizales, PR
MAP 4.0 2006/09/02 02:27:05 19.625 -63.670 12.3 121 km ( 75 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
MAP 3.9 2006/09/02 02:12:05 19.638 -63.565 33.4 128 km ( 80 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

MAP 4.7 2006/09/01 23:44:44 66.780 -141.746 9.7 88 km ( 55 mi) E of Chalkyitsik, AK
MAP 3.3 2006/09/01 22:12:54 58.950 -154.925 100.0 55 km ( 34 mi) S of Kokhanok, AK
MAP 3.0 2006/09/01 19:09:07 58.749 -150.482 1.0 102 km ( 63 mi) SE of Port Graham, AK
MAP 3.0 2006/09/01 13:44:33 32.261 -115.275 6.0 16 km ( 10 mi) WSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
MAP 5.9 2006/09/01 12:04:22 53.997 -166.366 78.1 16 km ( 10 mi) NE of Unalaska, AK
MAP 3.2 2006/09/01 08:27:07 19.119 -64.633 15.7 54 km ( 34 mi) NW of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
MAP 3.2 2006/09/01 06:38:43 20.090 -155.402 6.2 6 km ( 4 mi) NNW of Paauilo, HI
MAP 4.5 2006/09/01 06:17:28 51.459 -180.887 36.2 296 km (184 mi) W of Adak, AK