Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fast Food Nation.

K-Fed Flap: The Bad Rap on Fast Food - Newsweek Health -

By Jennifer Ordonez
Updated: 6:41 p.m. ET Feb 2, 2007

Feb. 3, 2007 - Poor Kevin Federline. Nobody wants him. When he tried to be a rapper last fall, only 300 "fans" showed up to his New York concert, and two thirds of them left before the final number. Then wife Britney Spears sent him packing, leaving him with little but the nickname "Fed-Ex." Now the restaurant industry won't even have him as a fry cook, thanks to a Super Bowl commercial for Nationwide Insurance in which Federline is rudely awakened from daydreams of rap stardom by his manager at a fast-food restaurant barking, "Federline. Fries!"
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The 30-second spot so enraged the National Restaurant Association, the lobbying arm of America's 935,000 restaurants, that it sent an angry missive to Nationwide calling the ad a "direct insult to the 12.8 million Americans who work in the restaurant industry." Apologetic but unrepentant, Nationwide refused to pull the commercial, insisting that it hadn't intend to insult anyone except for, well, Federline.

If the fast-food industry can't seem to take a joke, it's because, just like K-Fed, it's gotten a bad rap lately.

I was reading this artice and going okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa right up intill gotten a bad rap, Jennifer they earned it every note of the rap is owned by the Fast Food, sure at some point the people going there have to take control of their lives, but until they do and these people make more money as our nation's health is at an all time low. Seem like a relationship we would want to switch.

Or that is just me and in retrospect Kevin seem more likey to show up for work than Brit now adays.

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