Dana Milbank - Is It Wise to Be So Smart? - washingtonpost.com
s It Wise to Be So Smart?
By Dana Milbank
Wednesday, May 30, 2007; Page A02
A capacity crowd of 1,500 people jammed into Lisner Auditorium at George Washington University last night for Al Gore's speech and book-signing. But the numbers don't matter: Even if Gore were speaking before a sellout crowd at Verizon Center, he would still be the smartest guy in the room.
He reminded his listeners of this repeatedly last night.
Couple of points Milbank,
We have seen what the country gets when we don't even have the smartest guy in the room leading us. Not very smart policies, actions and subordinates that flaunt the law and lead us into equally disastrous undertakings.
I love this quote in the article
"It's the biggest problem he's got," said Schwartz, from Germantown. "People don't want somebody who makes them feel stupid."
Well Schwartz we got that leader right now how do you feel.......? Sure you are possible misquoted here but the writer of the article did if for a reason.
As for the group giving out the stickers and buttons, It called AlGore.org and DC for Gore 08 is the DC branch of em.
So I would guess a reporter that can't get their facts straight would not like a President that can which explains the underhanded hit piece this article amounts too.
Technorati Tags: Al Gore, Assault on Reason, Book Tour,
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