Friday, October 30, 2009

Fed Regional Bank Heads: Congress Threatening Central Bank's Autonomy

The louder they complaint the closer we are to knowing we are on the right path.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why no one claims an empty home.

Bank-Owned Homes Surge, Communities Stung « The Washington Independent

The growing number of bank-owned properties in foreclosure scarring neighborhoods across the country.

The volume of bank-owned foreclosed homes — known as REOs, or real-estate owned properties — is growing at an alarming rate, compounding the foreclosure crisis by sticking hard-hit neighborhoods with vacant and often trashed homes that drive down property values even more. REOs are foreclosed homes that lenders take back after they don’t sell at foreclosure auctions or sheriff’s sales. They keep the homes in inventory until they can be sold again.

The bottom line is that many of these homes( as many as 3 out of 5) are in condos, townhome or single family homeowner associations. And, the banks or FANNIE dont want to be on the hook for the assessments.  So they just let the homes sit idol.  To them nothing is happening.  To the community the rest of the owners are dealing with not only the blight of them, they are dealing with the budget shortfall that empty homes cause and there is absolutly no help coming out of Washington DC.   If the number of home in the US that are in common interest communities is any where near the number trade groups like CAI post ( )  then this housing debacle is far from over and your government is trying it's best to cover it up.

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Chamber Of Commerce Spends $34 Million On Lobbying In Three Months

This does not include the money they spent to allow their anti American membership to avoid paying coporate income tax via "inverted corporations," aka the off shore shuck and jive.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 19, 2009

Elizabeth Warren: Bank Bonuses Leave Me "Speechless" (VIDEO)

This comes down to simple theft. We, Joe & Jane Public, had the money they, Banksters, took it and gave it to themselves. Is this the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world? How about the shear magnitude of the crime makes it one for the record books. And that is the only place it will land since as of this date not one real prosecution has been considered. Justice is not going to be metered out by the very politician that made it happen.

So, it comes down to this. In 2010 if there is not a wholesale removal of sitting members of congress with candidates that are completely transparent in campaigning as well while in public service then not one thing is going to change. Why would they? Within the body of congress there is not enough moral fiber to knit a hand warmer . If people still believe that a label democrat or republican has meaning other then those cute mascot please contact me I have some USD's to dump, err I mean sell.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ben's Chili Bowl Founder Dies: Ben Ali Dead At 82

Great Man & place. All time fav memory was the 06 Mayoral race and doing politics at the table level.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Adam Storch: SEC Hires 29-Year-Old Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec For Key Role

In books the author would actually have this character be an ole stickly sticker from the bowls of legal enforcement that finally gets to run it and right the wrongs that his years of experience have revealed as to who is the jack b ninmbals and nujacks with frontloading trading platform's kinda stuff with a bunch of legal old school stuff off the tip of the tongue. Think young John Wayne in late 30's.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Goldman Sachs Profit Hits $3 Billion On Trading Gains

With their "trading platform" and status as market maker on 2/3 of the NYSE stocks let alone control of Government from the top down then this is expected not a surprise. The surprise will be when someone actually stops them from doing this over and over again.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cornel West Comments On Obama's Nobel Peace Prize: Hard To Be War President With Peace Prize

This dawned on me as well and I am thinking the citizens of a couple of foreign nations are hopeful about their chance one of these days at peace let alone the USA not bombing em.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 09, 2009

FHA: The Next Housing Bubble? Lawmakers Worry Agency Is Creating Another Boom

Look no further the your Government.

This is the single reason foreclosure are not happening. Take the property get the bill from the association. Until that time the 80 percent that are paying are having to make up the difference with a Special Assessment or your trash wont be picked up or have insurance that is actually is full replacement value. Let alone reserves, or simple repairs.

Reminds me of a real funny story how a storm destroys your asset and insurance is not enough or community didn't pay it and you now have no home, no assets, your mortgage, you assessment and now a special assessment which is consider debt to you. Game Over. BTW these communities get no FEMA Aid to stick the final nail in their collective eye.

These community are in fact private non-stock corporations where condo, coop townhouse of single family homes. And, they are a company that is broke and they are not going to get a loan from any bank cuz the GOV is bankrupting them by not paying their share while in ownership of property and acts of omission and some times Fraud. Do you think they are giving the correct documents, budgets, and financial statements of these communities that they are unloading now back on home buyers. What's your State's laws say about disclosure?
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FHA: The Next Housing Bubble? Lawmakers Worry Agency Is Creating Another Boom

Federal Register ( 65324 Vol. 69, No. 217/Wednesday, November 10 2004 Proposed Rules ) HUD is proposing a new rule that would amend 24 CFR 203.23(a) to require a provision in the mortgage for the payment of homeowner or condominium association fees among the other payments that the mortgage is required to make under the mortgage. According to HUD, after performing a study on the various state laws they find that there is "great variance amongst the states with the states". Quoting directly "Further, HUD desires to protect the viability of homeowners's and condominium association by providing a method whereby there would be greater assurance of the associations collecting their fees. HUD also wants to protect hose homeowners who do pay their fees from being assessed for maintenance and other expenses that cannot be paid because other homeowners do not pay their fees."

Want to guess at who made them look.

We now know what they did - NOTHING. In fact this same agency has now raised the delinquency limit to 15 percent up from 10 percent. [ave is now closer to 19 percent late] which means that only 85 percent of the bill are going to get paid in a budget that is to equal zero at the end of the year. Want to know who owns the most homes in your community and does not pay their bills.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

And, commits an act of war against the Moon on the same day. Who would have thought that could happen.

BTW I have a M A S H like script I am shopping except this time it takes place in a US torture/medical center. Hold on, I mean Detention center and the affable doc's are also social networking kind of twitter & torture with pics to be updated daily on Facebook and how nothing ever CHANGES. If that is not too PC I have some "AFGHANIST­AN&USA2GET­HER4EVER " bracelets.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Bloomberg Reports Derivatives Regulatory Legislation Contains Large Loopholes

They have too since the "Gov" is one of the biggest addicts of this trade. Why else would they let it keep happening, Regulation would bring them into the light as force behind the whole scheme.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Goldman Sachs Congressional Earmark: Bank Subsidiary Gets $3 Million

The simple answer is that GS runs our "gov" and it in turn is one of their biggest investors.

HOWEVER, this story should have gone deeper on the point about the security concern. See these magnates guide our ICBM's and in 1995 the "US Gov" let the Chinese buy the main company Magnequench Inc and then lock, stock and every bolt - they dismantled it and shipped it with all of the rest of the important manufacturing jobs back to China.

But, dont tell anyone cuz if the citizen realized that our ICBM's guidance systems were made by our biggest threat it wouldn't look so good. Besides why should we waist those bloated pentagon contracts on US companies that hire US workers what would make our most sensitive parts here and pay taxes. Clearly the "gov" could care less since 3 million in magnet world buys you nothing.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Ask Senate To Postpone Bernanke Confirmation

Connected with this subject is the character of the currency. The idea of making it exclusively metallic, however well intended, appears to me to be fraught with more fatal consequences than any other scheme having no relation to the personal rights of the citizens that has ever been devised. If any single scheme could produce the effect of arresting at once that mutation of condition by which "Connected with this subject is the character of the currency. The idea of making it exclusively metallic, however well intended, appears to me to be fraught with more fatal consequences than any other scheme having no relation to the personal rights of the citizens that has ever been devised. If any single scheme could produce the effect of arresting at once that mutation of condition by which thousands of our most indigent fellow-citizens by their industry and enterprise are raised to the possession of wealth, that is the one. If there is one measure better calculated than another to produce that state of things so much deprecated by all true republicans, by which the rich are daily adding to their hoards and the poor sinking deeper into penury, it's an exclusive metallic currency. Or if there is a process by which the character of the country for generosity and nobleness of feeling may be destroyed by the great increase and neck toleration of usury, it is an exclusive metallic currency."
About Ben Bernanke
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Chamber Of Commerce Gets What It Wants On Tax Dodger Ban From Senate Committee

Soooooo! The US Chamber of Commerce is willing to sellout the US taxpayers. Does this need to be analyzed any further.

Ahmmmmm a name change perhaps is in order? My choice- PEOPLE SUCK CORPORATION RULE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE or PSCRCC
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Meg Whitman: I Clearly Remember Voting In 1984

REALLY, running for an office that you never considered worthy enough to do your civic duty and vote for now qualifies you to sit in that or any other office. OH wait! She is rich? So I wonder if Meg is going to get those drapes on Ebay for the new office?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

William Black: Geithner "A Disaster," Has Been "Wrong About Everything In His Career"

I just think it is just so cute when folks keep posting statements like Obama appointed the head of the Fed while in real life it is pretty much the complete opposite. I bet some here still think the FED is an actual Federal Agency. Watch this and get a peep behind who runs who.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sotomayor Asks More Questions In An Hour Than Thomas Has In Years

Didn't know a potted plant could be part of the black 9.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

As Economy Crashed, Banks Made A Killing On Overdraft Fees

So let me help everyone with this one. The banker that run congress and pretty much the rest of the government are going to do what they have been doing all along and anyone that believes different, please contact me immediately as I have some land deals that that we need to discuss.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 05, 2009

<i>Rolling Stone</i>'s Matt Taibbi: Goldman Sachs Continues Misleading Lawmakers

At this point in time it is pretty safe to bet that bank's like GS are running our country and pretty much anything that happens in congress is to benefit them and not the people. Consider that GS is still front loading trades and NO ONE HAS STOPPED THEM.nor are they. Not sure how many ways people need to get screwed before this begins to set in as the ways things are done in DC.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost