Eugene Robinson - An Egghead for the Oval Office - An Egghead for the Oval Office
By Eugene Robinson
Friday, June 1, 2007; Page A15
Al Gore has been in town launching his new book, "The Assault on Reason," and you could have predicted the buzz: Is he about to jump into the race? What you probably wouldn't have predicted is the counter-buzz that Gore, poor fellow, is just too ostentatiously smart to be elected president.
In the book, you see, Gore betrays familiarity with history, economics, even science. He uses big words, often several in the same sentence. And in public appearances he doesn't even try to disguise his erudition. These supposedly are glaring shortcomings that should keep Gore on the sidelines, rereading Gibbon and exchanging ideas about the structure of the cosmos with Stephen Hawking.
Leave aside the question of whether Gore is even thinking about another presidential run, or how he would stack up against the other candidates. I'm making a more general point: One thing that should be clear to anyone who's been paying attention these past few years is that we need to go out and get ourselves the smartest president we can find. We need a brainiac president, a regular Mister or Miss Smarty-Pants. We need to elect the kid you hated in high school, the teacher's pet with perfect grades.
Wow, I am blow away -
Mr Robinson you sir are correct., I guess I should not be cuz someone in the media had to come out and say it. The real problem is the we needed this person 7 years ago and the next President will have to do more, be more and say more than any president since Abe Lincoln.
The real problem is the we needed this person 7 years ago and the next President will have to do more, be more and say more than any president since Abe Lincoln.
That said the counter buzz has noted on several blogs and commentary way before the book came out cuz that is all they have on Gore. He is too smart.........and most knew going in to 2000 that the current occupant of Penn Ave, NW is not and not too many are impressed and probably have been pealing their bumper stickers off the SUV.
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