Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Why is Tennessee Center for Policy Research looking at Al Gore's utilities bills?

So out of no where we have the Tennessee Center for Policy Research going about Gore's personal business which is interesting coming from a group that was hitherto not in the Environment.

Here is their mission statement taken from the Amcius Brief in the Kelso Case

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research is an independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan research organization dedicated to providing concerned citizens, public leaders, and government officials with expert empirical research and timely free market solutions to public policy issues of the day. The Center encourages solutions to public policy issues grounded in the individual liberty, competition, personal responsibility, and the social capital of the community bonds to achieve a freer and more prosperous Tennessee.

We called Nicole Williams, (615)383-6431 editor@tennesseepolicy.org told and asked here why the Carbon Offets that Gore purchased were not part of the story "We only covering Gore's usage from the consumptions side and the carbon offsets were not part of the story."

Carbon offset What is that?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "A carbon offset is a service that tries to reduce the net carbon emissions of individuals or organizations indirectly, through proxies who reduce their emissions and/or increase their absorption of greenhouse gases.[1] A wide variety of offset actions are available; tree planting is the most common. Renewable energy and energy conservation offsets are also popular, including emissions trading credits.

The intended goal of carbon offsets is to combat global warming.[2] The appeal of becoming "carbon neutral" has contributed to the growth of voluntary offsets, which often are a more cost-effective alternative to reducing one's own fossil-fuel consumption. However, the actual amount of carbon reduction (if any) from an offset project is difficult to measure, largely unregulated, and vulnerable to misrepresentation.[3]"


Here is what the Gore office told Think Progress.

"Gore lives a strict carbon-neutral lifestyle both in his work and private life. That means he tries to reduce his emissions as much as possible, and then purchases carbon offsets for the remaining emissions.

In his private life, Gore tries to reduce his emissions as much as possible. He drives a hybrid, flies commercially whenever he can, and purchases green power. In the few instances where work has demanded that he travel privately, he purchases carbon offsets for the emissions."

All in all this group seen to been coming out of now where with this hit on Gore yet a bit more research shows that the group recently Trent Seibert joined as Director of Government Accountability. After doing a google search on this guy it seems he a bit of reputation for drama and we found this gem.

"So what made me think I could stroll into a television newsroom and do the kinds of stories I did at The Tennessean and The Denver Post without missing a beat?

It could be this: There is an attitude in print journalism that looks down at the world of tv news. When I was working in newspapers, almost all of the ink-stained reporters thought that tv work was akin to standing up by the scene of the fire/crime/shooting/debate, saying a few words to the camera and then heading home for martinis.

Man, was I wrong about that.

Trent Seibert http://www.target2tv.com/

So I guess TV did not work out and he is not a hit man for Environmental issues which would explain how a group like TCPR went from some some dry, but fairly well researched positions & statement to just reaching for some publicity.

It looks like Trent did learn something from TV after all.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Gore, Oscar and message for the world the "Will to Act"

Gore uses Oscar speech to plug environmental cause - CNN.com
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Sure, the White House slipped from former Vice President Al Gore's grasp, but how many politicians end up on stage at Oscar night?

"An Inconvenient Truth," which turned Gore's lectures on the threat of global warming into a highly touted theatrical release, won the Academy Award for best documentary feature Sunday night.

Singer Melissa Etheridge also received the Oscar for best original song, "I Need to Wake Up," which was written for the movie.

Gore used the award as another opportunity to plug the environmental cause, telling the Hollywood audience and an estimated 1 billion television viewers that resolving the threat posed by a warming climate is "not a political issue, it's a moral issue." (Watch Gore talk about his cause and his movie Video)

"We have everything we need to get started, with the possible exception of the will to act," he said. "That's a renewable resource. Let's renew it."

I think that Al did the right thing by taking the time to talk to 1 billion people about the simple power of our collective will to make a difference. So since he said my Fellow American twice the third time will be the charm.

Hint to the the Draft Al Gore people keep up the good work Al Gore will be drafted to run for President in 2008. Until then and even after I do know that he will be leading the leaders around the world on the global climate challenge. So go download the song. Join a www.DraftAlGore.Meetup.com

For many in 2008 It's the Environment.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Al Gore says he can't imagine running for the White House, MAYBE.

Al Gore says he can't imagine running for the White House again. But Hollywood disagrees
Independent Thu, 22 Feb 2007 4:28 PM PST
Here's a scenario that sounds like it could only be invented in Hollywood. Al Gore wins an Oscar this weekend for his documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Later this year, he is the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to raise awareness of global warming. At which point, why shouldn't he also run for president?

This pretty much sums up the It's the Environment feeling's for 08

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Clinton and Obama need to move on and campaign.

Clinton and Obama row over backer
Hillary Clinton
Reported on the BBC's website.

Ms Clinton has tried to take the political high ground in the row
A row has erupted between two major contenders for the US Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 2008, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

It was sparked after Hollywood mogul David Geffen hosted a fundraiser for Mrs Clinton's rival and called her overly ambitious in an interview.

Mr Geffen, who once backed Bill Clinton, also claimed the former first lady might be a "polarising" figure.

Please note that there is plenty of money to go around and fighting about it is not going to re-elect-a-democrat. So move on and let hear about some policy issues

Rasmussen only poll what it wants too now?

2008 Democratic Presidential Primary: Clinton 28% Obama 24% Edwards 11% - Yahoo! News
rasmussenreports.com Tue Feb 20, 10:31 AM ET

There's little change this week in the Democratic nomination contest. Senator
Hillary Clinton (D) continues to lead with 28% of the vote from Likely Democratic Primary Voters nationwide. The latest Rasmussen Reports Election 2008 poll shows Senator Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) (D) still in second place with 24% of the vote. Former Senator
John Edwards (D) has support from 11% and former Vice President
Al Gore (D) weighs in at 10%.

While Gore still attracts more support than many who are actively seeking the nomination, the Democrats' Election 2000 nominee indicated again last week that he has no intention of running for office at this time. Therefore, unless something changes, Rasmussen Reports will no longer include the former Vice President in our ongoing tracking of this race.

Hold on here...... from the same company only a couple of weeks ago

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) earns support from just 10% of those polled. Edwards has consistently been in third place. However, now he shares that spot with former Vice President Al Gore. For Gore that reflects a slight gain from the 8% level of support he enjoyed a week ago

The Rasmussen Report by it's own polling data shows Al Gore climbing from 8 percent on February 5, 2007 to 10 percent on February 19, 2007. How is this not something that should be watch and dialoged about this the people that you poll. Clearly your own data suggest that American are interested in Al Gore.

Again, from Rasmussen own website.

Gore, Clinton Lead Romney by Double Digits
February 8, 2007
Republican Mitt Romney

Former Vice President Al Gore (D) leads former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) 52% to 38% in the latest Rasmussen Reports Election 2008 poll. A month ago, Gore had an 11-point lead over Romney.

Senator Hillary Clinton (D) has upped her lead over Romney to double digits. She now leads the Republican Presidential hopeful 51% to 41%. A month ago, the former First Lady was ahead of Romney 49% to 41%.

Seeing how Mitt is one of the front runners on the GOP side checking the pulse of the public as to which Dem would run better against Mitt or anyother GOP canidate would seem to make sense. Now here is a bit of political advice from our years working with elected officals. If a politicans says they were or were not going to run for an election or for that matter do what they say they are going to do you may just want to stick around to see if that is the case in long run.

So I would also suggest that the Rasmussen Report come back and look at this blog post just so it can know how stupid, sorry for the poor choice of words, however this either is that or a joke. Or Rasmussen could get back to polling and not trying to stovepipe the information it makes the group look all illuminatish.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

If the Gossip pages think it's so, it's so.


February 20, 2007 -- THE Gore factor. He's in. Not officially. But look what's happening. Deliber ately or accidentally, the man's built a core following. Environmentalists. Global warmers. Green people. And sole owner of this hot-button issue, he now sponsors star-studded concerts in strategic states

Well Cindy, thanks for pretty much putting the Gore machine to bare. As you note there is so much lov for Gore mostly because he is doing something about the state of the world.

Gore needs to feel it, the it we feel about him. So thanks for helping.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Gallup: Will Al Gore Run? Support Is 'Lukewarm' Anyway- Bull Pucky--

Gallup: Will Al Gore Run? Support Is 'Lukewarm' Anyway

Gallup: Will Al Gore Run? Support Is 'Lukewarm' Anyway

By E&P Staff

Published: February 18, 2007 10:55 AM ET

NEW YORK A new Gallup survey finds that, despite all the favorable attention gained by former Vice President Al Gore in the past year surrounding his Oscar-nominated global warming film, support among voters remains "lukewarm." His favorable and unfavorable rating have changed little over the past five years.

If that were the case why does Gore lead in Meetups?

Popular Topics in USA Presidential

Draft Al Gore
93 Meetup Groups
John Kerry
53 Meetup Groups
Barack Obama
43 Meetup Groups
John Edwards / One America
39 Meetup Groups
Hillary Rodham Clinton
26 Meetup Groups

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gore and Gingrich Are Going Nowhwere, Yea Right!

Al Gore to do concert series | The Bryan-College Station Eagle

Al Gore to do concert series

Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - Al Gore rolling with Snoop Dogg? What would Tipper think!

The former vice president announced Thursday a series of worldwide concerts to focus on the threat of climate change, with a powerhouse line-up from the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Bon Jovi to the aforementioned D-O-DOUBLE-G.

The 24-hour event on July 7 is part of a campaign, "Save Our Selves - The Campaign for a Climate in Crisis," that promoters hope will trigger a broad movement to address the global climate crisis.

"We have to reach billions of people," the environmental activist, filmmaker and 2000 Democratic presidential nominee said in a statement.

"The climate crisis will only be stopped by an unprecedented and sustained global movement."

Hey Al don't forget Washington, DC for a concert stop.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Is someone else mad at the USA? Not the first bomb either!

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Blast close to US base in Japan
Blast close to US base in Japan
Map of Tokyo
There has been a small explosion near a United States' military base south of the Japanese capital, Tokyo, US officials have confirmed.

The blast happened outside the Camp Zama army base around 40km (25 miles) south-west of Tokyo.

Police found two pipes believed to have contained explosives close to the camp, Kyodo News agency reported.

A Pentagon official said that there were no reports of injuries caused by the blast.

"A small explosion was heard in the vicinity of the base," said Air Force Maj David Smith.

"It did not occur on the base."

Residents said the explosion took place at around 2300 local time (1600 GMT).

The US military has more than 40,000 troops in Japan stationed on several sizeable bases under a bilateral security deal.

Some Japanese residents oppose the presence of the bases, but attacks are rare.

In 2002, two blasts occurred outside Camp Zama, an attack police blamed on extremists.

So we have our friends in the land of the rising sun unhappy with the US presence. I have to agree that it is time to close those bases and let our troops be redeployed to areas where they are needed like the home front.

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Gore and Gingrich Are Going Nowhwere, Yea Right!

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gore and Gingrich Are Going Nowhere
February 12, 2007
Gore and Gingrich Are Going Nowhere
By Peter Brown

Everyone and their grandmother, it seems, has decided to run for president in 2008. But conspicuous by their hesitation are Democrat Al Gore and Republican Newt Gingrich, who are holding back to see if they really do have a chance.

They should stop holding their breath. Their time in the limelight, and their opportunity for national office, has come and gone.

Simply put, neither man is very well thought of among the mass of voters who decide the November election. And, not to put too fine a point on it, Americans don't turn over the Oval Office to people they don't like.

Dear Peter,

I could not agree more with your point --American's vote for the people they like. That is why they elected Al Gore to be their President and he will be the people's choice in 08.


Currently on Democrats.com Gore hold steady at 25 point lead over Clinton, Edwards, Obama all are at 15 percent or so. This is the base.

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

NFL needs to meet Capital Hill.

NFL Lawyers Put Super Bowl Party Organizers On Alert - News - MSNBC.com

NFL Lawyers Put Super Bowl Party Organizers On Alert

• NFL tells churches planned Super Bowl parties violate copyright law
• WNBC-TV 7:42 p.m. EST February 4, 2007

NEW YORK - The NFL is known for running a tight ship to protect the brand and protect the lucrative business of pro football. NFL lawyers even fired off a letter to an Indiana church, warning it not to stray out of bounds of copyright laws with its planned Super Bowl party, NewsChannel reported. Apparently, the church's television screen is too big. Who knew?

Depending upon what position it is, size does matter in the NFL. And apparently, at certain Super Bowl parties, the size of your television set matters,

Let me get this straight. The owners of the airwaves, the roads, the police and the cities that these team play in are out of line according to the NFL and any "Mass "out-of-home viewings,"" are forebidden. I say these owners better be counting their good luck and should not be bitting the hand that feeds it.

Congress needs to step and put the public's good first and foremost in the future plans of the NFL owners they have their own TV channel which is a slice of the public's spectrum. I can only hope that are next leader sticks up for people not companies. We are not ENGLAND.

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fast Food Nation.

K-Fed Flap: The Bad Rap on Fast Food - Newsweek Health - MSNBC.com

By Jennifer Ordonez
Updated: 6:41 p.m. ET Feb 2, 2007

Feb. 3, 2007 - Poor Kevin Federline. Nobody wants him. When he tried to be a rapper last fall, only 300 "fans" showed up to his New York concert, and two thirds of them left before the final number. Then wife Britney Spears sent him packing, leaving him with little but the nickname "Fed-Ex." Now the restaurant industry won't even have him as a fry cook, thanks to a Super Bowl commercial for Nationwide Insurance in which Federline is rudely awakened from daydreams of rap stardom by his manager at a fast-food restaurant barking, "Federline. Fries!"
Story continues below ↓ advertisement

The 30-second spot so enraged the National Restaurant Association, the lobbying arm of America's 935,000 restaurants, that it sent an angry missive to Nationwide calling the ad a "direct insult to the 12.8 million Americans who work in the restaurant industry." Apologetic but unrepentant, Nationwide refused to pull the commercial, insisting that it hadn't intend to insult anyone except for, well, Federline.

If the fast-food industry can't seem to take a joke, it's because, just like K-Fed, it's gotten a bad rap lately.

I was reading this artice and going okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa right up intill gotten a bad rap, Jennifer they earned it every note of the rap is owned by the Fast Food, sure at some point the people going there have to take control of their lives, but until they do and these people make more money as our nation's health is at an all time low. Seem like a relationship we would want to switch.

Or that is just me and in retrospect Kevin seem more likey to show up for work than Brit now adays.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Officials: Warming 'very likely' due to man. DUH

Officials: Warming 'very likely' due to man - World Environment - Reported via the AP on MSNBC.

PARIS - Officials from 113 countries agreed Thursday that a much-awaited report will say that recent global warming was “very likely” caused by human activity — a significant change from an earlier report but less than the “virtually certain” phrase that some had championed.

Gee you would think someone that brought this to the attention of the people would get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize or something!

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