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4 years ago
There is only one Federal City and it located along the banks of the Anacostia & Potomac rivers where it hosts the Nation's Capitol and major branches of Government.
"No you will not teach or show that propagandist Al Gore video to my child, blaming our nation -- the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet -- for global warming,"
- Elect wise leaders with a record of world maintenence, like Al Gore, John Edwards, Robert Redford, Constance Rice or The Yogurthead Man. Sex-changes are easy these days, even fun! (I've done it three times now, and am now working on my second species change. Genus is next.)
So you see, it is not too late. You don't have to give up and lose everything just because a moron from Texas is so power-crazed that he wants to bring it all down with him. Let HIM go down instead, then laugh at him derisively for having such evil and adolescent notions. Send in the clowns, and lock up the serial killing mass murderers.
Future and Fun begin with "f. u..."
So tell your president "F. U." next time you see him.
This will cause the world to not end.
(Cross-posted on The American Street)
Posted by: anonyMoses / 28.7.06